Recycled Hearing Aids
All donated aids are considered an in-kind contribution. We are unable to make value determinations for donated hearing aids and recommend that you keep your receipt of purchase as evidence of the original hearing aid cost.

In November 2008, we launched our Hearing Aid Recycling Program (HARP) to help offset the cost of hearing aids for our clients. We accept all kinds of hearing aids, hearing assistive devices, and hearing aid accessories from all manufacturers and in all conditions of use. The aids donated to HSF are used in three different ways:
- Newer aids receive a thorough cleaning and can be used immediately by one of our clients.
- Damaged aids may receive minor repairs, a thorough cleaning, and be fitted for immediate use by one of our clients.
- Outdated, broken, or hearing aids damaged beyond repair can be sent off to be used for repair credit.
In 2022, private individuals and hearing aid companies donated over 400 aids to the Foundation. Out of all the aids donated, 70 were cleaned and fitted for immediate use by our clients, which saved us over $17,000 in hearing aid costs. The remaining donated aids were recycled for repair credit. We are thankful to the Lions Club District 12N for a partnership that has helped us increase our donated hearing aids.
Mail in hearing aids or drop them by the office
Hearing Aid Recycling Program
1619 E. Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37804
Office Hours are Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Dropbox is located to the right of the front door if you are dropping off after hours or if we are not there.